Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some Thoughts

Here at my school, we have a day where we are able to present projects that we have been working on.  People can bring in a trifold and set it up, displaying their work in a gallery style.  It got me thinking about how to miniaturize my system, so that I would be able to bring a model to events where I could promote the great work people have been doing.  Especially after missing an urban agriculture festival in the area.  So, I thought of this yesterday and drafted it out.  It is pretty rough, and the proportions are off, but it gets the job done.
For scale, the large piping will be 2" copper pipe (I have some laying around from an old project).  The bottles will be half length beer bottles.  I will tie it with two pieces of rope attaching to a handcrafted net of sorts around the bottles.  Within the 2"tubing, I will run my standard 1/4" copper lift tube, which will use an equivalent airlift mechanism to my other systems.  And while I drew the arm relatively lengthy, I actually plan on there being almost no distance between the two elbows.  I want the whole system to be under two feet high, be rigidly constructed, and easily transportable (continuing function, no spillage).  
Pardon the epic perspective.

I also want to start to do a little experimentation.  Since I have established a few farms, and have a base line, I want to start attempting alternative options in media, and method of hydration/feeding/aeration.  Whether I do this with an existing farm, or power out a third tower during my class break, I have yet to decide.  My design is that in a similarly constructed modular tower, I will have only one column that is a drip system.  My second column will be DWC.  The third column will be an electric free column; the bottles will be filled with a mixture of expanded clay and sand, and will be hand watered every couple of days (hoping the sand will help retain moisture).  Or, each level may be the various systems (i.e tier 1 DWC, tier 3 drip, etc.).  I'm not sure which to go with, I figure with columns the DWC will make it tilt, and with tiers it's hard to figure out the right configuration.  I plan to have three types of plants, with three of each.  One of each plant will go in each type of system; similar plants will compare the systems' efficacy.  I am thinking one will be lettuce, one a fruiting plant, and the third basil; this way I have a comparison between systems and types of plants.
If I am feeling really scientific (and it is still winter when I do this), I may even put it in a darker area, and put the system completely on controlled lighting in order to expedite consistent growth, so I can really have something to compare.  Just in the planning stages, thought I could put it out, see if anyone has feedback that I may use to guide my design.  I will keep thinking, and keep posting as I progress with everything.
Namaste and Keep Farmin'

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